Our Founders
The Austin High School Continuing Education Foundation (AHSCEF) was the brainchild of AHS alumni Marsha Jensen and Jerry Adams (Class of 1956). The idea, hatched during the weekend of their 35th reunion in 1991, was to raise money for scholarships in order to provide educational opportunities for Austin High School graduates who may not meet the criteria of mainstream benefactors or who may be at risk of dropping out of school due to financial hardships. Jerry and Marsha enlisted the help of AHS graduates John Avery, Chris Adams, and John Fainter to help with the initial organization and registration of the Foundation as a Class 501-C3 non-profit. The AHSCEF was certified in 1992, and Delano Womack, Class of 1952, was added as a third Board member in 1996 to help with fundraising efforts. Marsha and Jerry are still AHSCEF Board members.

Jerry Adams

Marsha Jensen
Our Mission: Award scholarships to deserving Austin High School seniors with limited means to help change lives.
The AHSCEF is an organization that is funded entirely from contributions from individuals throughout our community. It is supported and run by volunteer Board members that manage the foundation, perform fundraising, review and select scholarship recipients, and participate in the scholarship awards breakfast during Austin High’s Dedication Day each year. The AHSCEF is proud that since 1999, the Foundation has awarded scholarships each year to many deserving students who continue their education in any number of post high school programs: traditional four-year colleges, community colleges, trade schools, or professional training programs.
AHSCEF awarded 19 scholarships for 2016 bringing the amount to over 150 scholarships since 1994 totaling in excess of $125,000 to deserving AHS seniors. All of the scholarship presentations have taken place at the annual AHS Dedication Day ceremonies.
The AHSCEF board members are very proud of this accomplishment and would like to thank all of our donors for your ongoing contributions that make our success possible.
The Original Dream of AHSCEF to Today
- 214 Scholarships Awarded